One whitey was so big I couldn't get my hand around it a lost it before I got a photo--not that I'd post the censored fish photos. I'm a freaking whitefish machine. I've been thinking about getting together with Whitefish Ed to start Whitefish Unlimited.
Paddy fishing on undisclosed river. If you can figure out where we are, you're welcome to go. All fish photos were censored for their protection.
Truly amazing fishing, fresh snow on my favorite mountains, and 80 knot winds. I later checked and it said it was only 17, but I swear it was blowing straight from Canada. I wore long johns, fleece pants, and puffy pants under my waders and long johns on top with a down vest, down jacket, and my wading jacket. And the wind still got to me. Burr.
Amazing, though. Best day ever. Really.