Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Opening Day!

Last Saturday was opening day--aka Christmas at my house. I slung flies at Sturtos in the morning (I hadn't done that in a LONG time) and then headed down to Silver Creek for the opening day BBQ and to get a little fishing in. The BBQ was awesome, it feels like home being there and I get to chew the fat with all of my favorites. I headed on the water a couple of hours later, but could barely find a place without some yay-hoo flailing in the middle of fish. It was super frustrating watching so many people doing so many things wrong, but I know they'll get frustrated and never come back so it's cool. My first guide trips are this weekend and I'm feeling good about the 2011 season.

Fish on!

Several generations at the Silver Creek BBQ who wouldn't know what to do without the creek. King, Dayna and her son Ben, Paddy, and me.

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