I'm writing this on Saturday morning, but won't be posting it until next week because I don't want anyone to know how the fishing is and I don't have any photos to post yet. As the title suggests, the elusive brown drake hatch is finally happening!
Thursday, the first warm day we've had, we went looking for an emergence, but we only found BBT (Big Brown Trout) that were willing to eat mice (I know, we're spoiled).
On Friday, we were pretty tired from the previous night's excitement, but we drove out to check on things around 8 and found bugs in the air. After a quick trip back to the house to gather appropriate clothing, we went out to Larkin with this summer's Silver Creek interns, both new to fly-fishing.
The water was boiling with fish when we finally arrived and we got after it. Most of us fished the awesome comparadun and I caught my first fish on a cripple I had tied several years ago (therefore very ugly). I switched to the extended body Brown Drake, which had always collected dust in my BD Box, and managed to hook a 20"+ brown on my first cast. While I was waiting for Paddy and the camera I broke him off, but I did get to see him--WOW! I switched to the mouse rod around 10.30 because I was tired of missing strikes in the dark and had two explosive strikes, but no connections.
Ryan landed a 2 foot brown, which was his first fly-fishing fish--insane! That boy's spoiled! Everyone caught fish, but we all missed hundreds of strikes. I'm so tired already and we're only one night in. I think I can make it; I have to make it. The best fry fly fishing in the world for one week of the year; I'm lucky to say the least.