Monday, September 27, 2010

Finally Summer?

We had a super late start to our summer (I wore a jacket on the 4th of July), but it looks like our late start is turning into a warm fall. Tomorrow we're expecting 87 degrees on Silver Creek. I am so stoked that we've been able to extend our crazy hopper fishing at least another week! Here's a photo of a not-so-big (but huge by other rivers' standards) Silver Creek brown trout.

I do hope we get a crappy weather day soon so I can start tying flies for some steelieboppers on my new Griffin Montana Mongoose vise!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Carpin' Crunch

Paddy and I tried to catch some delicious carps on the Snake the other day and things went horribly wrong. There were white caps on the off color river (there was a fire) so we shopped the stink bait at Sportsman's Warehouse and watched about 12 base jumpers on the Perrine Bridge. I guess it wasn't a total failure and now I know about fish bats and Sturgeon Stank.

Post fire with lots of white caps. Not so good for the carping.

All of the delicious choices of PowerBait. So many flavors and so much glitter!

Right after I found the fish bat. For $4.99 you can beat thousands of fish to death. Sounds fun...

The Perrine Bridge. The only place in the U.S. where BASE jumping is legal. It's also visible from the parking lot at Sportsman's Warehouse.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

More BBT

Mary Ann, one of my favorite peeps, popped this big boy on the creek last week.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Another Big Brown Trout munched Ian's thumb...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blood Knot

I'm excited to share that I've been bought on as the editor of Bitch Creek at Blood Knot Magazine! We're working on our third issue and I'm really excited about the great stuff we have coming up. On that note, I'm looking for women to write for Bitch Creek and need you! Please send me story ideas to

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Garrik Lo enjoying the fruits of the vole explosion on 'da creek.